file | Architecture.h |
| Provides functions for getting the primary and secondary architectures of the system.
file | Archivable.h |
| Provides the BArchivable interface and declares the BArchiver and BUnarchiver classes.
file | Autolock.h |
| Implements a handy locking utility.
file | Beep.h |
| Functions to generate sounds from the computer.
file | BlockCache.h |
| Implements a mechanism to store and retrieve memory blocks.
file | BufferedDataIO.h |
| Undocumented file.
file | BufferIO.h |
| Provides the BBufferIO class.
file | DataIO.h |
| Defines abstract BDataIO and BPositionIO and the derived BMallocIO and BMemoryIO classes.
file | Flattenable.h |
| Provides the BFlattenable interface.
file | List.h |
| Defines the BList class.
file | Locker.h |
| Provides locking class BLocker.
file | ObjectList.h |
| Defines the BObjectList class.
file | parsedate.h |
| Date parsing functions.
file | Referenceable.h |
| Provides the BReferenceable interface and declares the BReferenceable and BReference classes.
file | StackOrHeapArray.h |
| Provides the BStackOrHeapArray helper class.
file | StopWatch.h |
| Provides the BStopWatch class.
file | String.h |
| Defines the BString class and global operators and functions for handling strings.
file | StringList.h |
| Undocumented file.
file | SupportDefs.h |
| Defines basic types and definitions for the Haiku API.
file | TLS.h |
| Functions to use Thread Local Storage.
file | TypeConstants.h |
| Represents type codes that are used by parts of the Haiku API.
file | Url.h |
| Provides the BUrl class.