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BMenuBar Class Reference

A window's root menu. More...

Inherits BMenu.

Public Member Functions

 BMenuBar (BMessage *archive)
 Archive constructor.
 BMenuBar (BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT|B_FOLLOW_TOP, menu_layout layout=B_ITEMS_IN_ROW, bool resizeToFit=true)
 Create a new BMenuBar object.
 BMenuBar (const char *name, menu_layout layout=B_ITEMS_IN_ROW, uint32 flags=B_WILL_DRAW|B_FRAME_EVENTS)
 Create a new BMenuBar object suitable to use with the layout APIs.
virtual ~BMenuBar ()
virtual void AllAttached ()
 Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been attached to a window.
virtual void AllDetached ()
 Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been detached from a window.
menu_bar_border Border () const
 Returns the currently set border style.
virtual void DetachedFromWindow ()
 Hook method called when the object is detached from a window.
virtual void FrameMoved (BPoint newPosition)
 Hook method called when the view is moved.
virtual void GetPreferredSize (float *_width, float *_height)
 Fill out the preferred width and height of the view into the _width and _height parameters.
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites (BMessage *data)
virtual void Hide ()
 Hides the view without removing it from the view hierarchy.
virtual void MakeFocus (bool state=true)
 Makes the view the current focus view of the window or gives up being the window's focus view.
virtual BSize MaxSize ()
 Return the maximum size of the view.
virtual void MessageReceived (BMessage *message)
 Handles a message received by the associated looper.
virtual BSize MinSize ()
 Return the minimum size of the view.
virtual void MouseUp (BPoint where)
 Hook method called when a mouse button is released.
virtual status_t Perform (perform_code code, void *data)
 Perform some action. (Internal Method)
virtual BSize PreferredSize ()
 Return the preferred size of the view.
virtual void ResizeToPreferred ()
 Resizes the view to its preferred size keeping the position of the left top corner constant.
virtual BHandlerResolveSpecifier (BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 form, const char *property)
virtual void SetBorder (menu_bar_border border)
 Specifies how the menu bar border is drawn.
virtual void Show ()
 Shows the view making it visible.
virtual void WindowActivated (bool state)
 Hook method called when the attached window is activated or deactivated.
Hook Methods
virtual void AttachedToWindow ()
 Sets this as the key menubar for the window, lays out the menu items and resizes the menu to fit.
virtual void FrameResized (float newWidth, float newHeight)
 Hook method that gets called when the menu bar is resized.
virtual void Draw (BRect updateRect)
 Draws the menu bar.
virtual void MouseDown (BPoint where)
 Hook method that is called when a mouse button is pressed.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BMenu
 BMenu (BMessage *archive)
 Archive constructor.
 BMenu (const char *name, float width, float height)
 Creates a new menu object with a B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX layout and the specified name, width, and height.
 BMenu (const char *name, menu_layout layout=B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN)
 Creates a new menu object with the specified name and layout.
virtual ~BMenu ()
virtual bool AddDynamicItem (add_state state)
 Implemented by subclasses to add their own items to the menu.
bool AddItem (BMenu *menu)
 Add a submenu to the end of the list.
bool AddItem (BMenu *menu, BRect frame)
 Adds a submenu in the specified frame rectangle within the menu.
bool AddItem (BMenu *menu, int32 index)
 Add a submenu at the specified index.
bool AddItem (BMenuItem *item)
 Adds a menu item to the end of the list.
bool AddItem (BMenuItem *item, BRect frame)
 Adds a menu item in the specified frame rectangle within the menu.
bool AddItem (BMenuItem *item, int32 index)
 Adds a menu item at the specified index.
bool AddList (BList *list, int32 index)
 Add a list of menu items at the specified index.
bool AddSeparatorItem ()
 Adds a separator item to the end of the menu.
virtual void AllAttached ()
 Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been attached to a window.
virtual void AllDetached ()
 Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been detached from a window.
bool AreTriggersEnabled () const
 Returns whether or not triggers are enabled.
int32 CountItems () const
 Returns the number of items added to the menu.
virtual void DetachedFromWindow ()
 Hook method called when the object is detached from a window.
virtual void DoLayout ()
 Layout view within the layout context.
virtual void DrawBackground (BRect updateRect)
 Draw the menu background within the bounds of updateRect.
BMenuItemFindItem (const char *name) const
 Returns a pointer to the menu item with the specified label.
BMenuItemFindItem (uint32 command) const
 Returns a pointer to the menu item with the specified command for its associated message.
BMenuItemFindMarked ()
 Return a pointer to the first marked menu item.
int32 FindMarkedIndex ()
 Return the index of the first marked menu item.
virtual void FrameMoved (BPoint where)
 Hook method called when the view is moved.
virtual void FrameResized (float width, float height)
 Hook method called when the view is resized.
virtual void GetPreferredSize (float *_width, float *_height)
 Fill out the preferred width and height of the view into the _width and _height parameters.
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites (BMessage *data)
int32 IndexOf (BMenu *menu) const
 Returns the index of the specified submenu.
int32 IndexOf (BMenuItem *item) const
 Returns the index of the specified menu item.
bool IsEnabled () const
 Returns whether or not the menu is enabled.
bool IsLabelFromMarked ()
 Returns whether or not the menu is in label-from-marked mode.
bool IsRadioMode () const
 Returns whether or not the menu is in radio mode.
bool IsRedrawAfterSticky () const
 Returns whether or not the menu is in redraw-after-sticky mode.
BMenuItemItemAt (int32 index) const
 Returns a pointer to the menu item at the specified index.
virtual void MakeFocus (bool focus=true)
 Makes the view the current focus view of the window or gives up being the window's focus view.
float MaxContentWidth () const
 Return the maximum width of the menu items' content area.
virtual BSize MaxSize ()
 Return the maximum size of the view.
virtual BSize MinSize ()
 Return the minimum size of the view.
virtual status_t Perform (perform_code d, void *arg)
 Perform some action. (Internal Method)
virtual BSize PreferredSize ()
 Return the preferred size of the view.
bool RemoveItem (BMenu *menu)
 Remove and delete a submenu from the menu.
bool RemoveItem (BMenuItem *item)
 Remove and delete the specified item from the menu.
BMenuItemRemoveItem (int32 index)
 Remove the item at the specified index from the menu.
bool RemoveItems (int32 index, int32 count, bool deleteItems=false)
 Remove count number of items from the menu starting at the specified index and delete them if deleteItems is true.
virtual void ResizeToPreferred ()
 Resizes the view to its preferred size keeping the position of the left top corner constant.
virtual BHandlerResolveSpecifier (BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 form, const char *property)
virtual void SetEnabled (bool enable)
 Enables or disables the menu.
void SetLabelFromMarked (bool on)
 Sets whether or not the label of the menu is set according to the marked item.
virtual void SetMaxContentWidth (float maxWidth)
 Sets the maximum width of the menu items' content area.
virtual void SetRadioMode (bool on)
 Turns radio mode on or off.
virtual status_t SetTargetForItems (BHandler *target)
 Set the target to handler for each item in the menu.
virtual status_t SetTargetForItems (BMessenger messenger)
 Set the target to messenger for each item in the menu.
void SetTrackingHook (menu_tracking_hook hook, void *state)
 Sets a hook function that is called when tracking begins.
virtual void SetTriggersEnabled (bool enable)
 Enables or disables triggers.
BMenuSubmenuAt (int32 index) const
 Returns a pointer to a submenu at the specified index.
BMenuItemSuperitem () const
 Returns the pointer to the menu item that this menu it attached to.
BMenuSupermenu () const
 Returns the pointer to the menu that this menu it attached to.
virtual void KeyDown (const char *bytes, int32 numBytes)
 Hook method that is called when a keyboard key is pressed.
void SortItems (int(*compare)(const BMenuItem *, const BMenuItem *))
 Sort items in the menu.
bool SwapItems (int32 indexA, int32 indexB)
 Swap the positions of two items in the menu.
bool MoveItem (int32 indexFrom, int32 indexTo)
 Move a menu item to a new position in the menu.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BView
 BView (BMessage *archive)
 Archive constructor.
 BView (BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizingMode, uint32 flags)
 Standard constructor.
 BView (const char *name, uint32 flags, BLayout *layout=NULL)
 Layout constructor.
virtual ~BView ()
 Destructor method.
BRect Bounds () const
 Returns the view's frame rectangle in the view's coordinate system.
void Flush () const
 Flushes the attached window's connection to App Server.
BRect Frame () const
 Returns the view's frame rectangle in the parent's coordinate system.
virtual void GetPreferredSize (float *_width, float *_height)
 Fill out the preferred width and height of the view into the _width and _height parameters.
virtual status_t GetSupportedSuites (BMessage *data)
virtual void Hide ()
 Hides the view without removing it from the view hierarchy.
bool IsFocus () const
 Returns whether or not the view is the window's current focus view.
bool IsHidden () const
 Returns whether or not the view is hidden.
bool IsHidden (const BView *looking_from) const
 Returns whether or not the view is hidden from the perspective of lookingFrom.
bool IsPrinting () const
 Returns whether or not the view is drawing to a printer.
BPoint LeftTop () const
 Returns the left top corner point.
virtual status_t Perform (perform_code code, void *data)
 Perform some action. (Internal Method)
virtual void ResizeToPreferred ()
 Resizes the view to its preferred size keeping the position of the left top corner constant.
uint32 ResizingMode () const
 Returns the resizing mode flags mask set in the constructor or by SetResizingMode().
virtual BHandlerResolveSpecifier (BMessage *message, int32 index, BMessage *specifier, int32 form, const char *property)
virtual void SetResizingMode (uint32 mode)
 Sets the resizing mode of the view according to the mode mask.
void SetViewCursor (const BCursor *cursor, bool sync=true)
 Assigns cursor to the view.
virtual void Show ()
 Shows the view making it visible.
void Sync () const
 Synchronizes the attached window's connection to App Server.
BWindowWindow () const
 Returns the window the view is attached to.
void AddChild (BView *child, BView *before=NULL)
 Adds child to the view hierarchy immediately before before.
bool AddChild (BLayoutItem *child)
 Add the child layout item to the view hierarchy.
bool RemoveChild (BView *child)
 Removes child from the view hierarchy.
int32 CountChildren () const
 Returns the number of child views that this view has.
BViewChildAt (int32 index) const
 Returns a pointer to the child view found at index.
BViewNextSibling () const
 Returns a pointer to the next sibling view.
BViewPreviousSibling () const
 Returns a pointer to the previous sibling view.
bool RemoveSelf ()
 Removes the view and all child views from the view hierarchy.
BViewFindView (const char *name) const
 Returns the view in the view hierarchy with the specified name.
BViewParent () const
 Returns a pointer to the view's parent.
void ConvertToScreen (BPoint *point) const
 Convert point to the screen's coordinate system in place.
BPoint ConvertToScreen (BPoint point) const
 Returns point converted to the screen's coordinate system.
void ConvertFromScreen (BPoint *point) const
 Convert point from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BPoint ConvertFromScreen (BPoint point) const
 Returns point converted from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
void ConvertToScreen (BRect *rect) const
 Convert rect to the screen's coordinate system in place.
BRect ConvertToScreen (BRect rect) const
 Returns rect converted to the screen's coordinate system.
void ConvertFromScreen (BRect *rect) const
 Convert rect from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BRect ConvertFromScreen (BRect rect) const
 Returns rect converted from the screen's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
void ConvertToParent (BPoint *point) const
 Convert point to the parent's coordinate system in place.
BPoint ConvertToParent (BPoint point) const
 Returns point converted to the parent's coordinate system.
void ConvertFromParent (BPoint *point) const
 Convert point from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BPoint ConvertFromParent (BPoint point) const
 Returns point converted from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
void ConvertToParent (BRect *rect) const
 Convert rect to the parent's coordinate system in place.
BRect ConvertToParent (BRect rect) const
 Returns rect converted to the parent's coordinate system.
void ConvertFromParent (BRect *rect) const
 Convert rect from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system in place.
BRect ConvertFromParent (BRect rect) const
 Returns rect converted from the parent's coordinate system to the view's coordinate system.
virtual void SetFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the view flags to the flags mask.
uint32 Flags () const
 Return the view flags set in the constructor or by SetFlags().
void GetClippingRegion (BRegion *region) const
 Fill out region with the view's clipping region.
virtual void ConstrainClippingRegion (BRegion *region)
 Set the clipping region the region restricting the area that the view can draw in.
void ClipToPicture (BPicture *picture, BPoint where=B_ORIGIN, bool sync=true)
 Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of picture.
void ClipToInversePicture (BPicture *picture, BPoint where=B_ORIGIN, bool sync=true)
 Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of picture.
void ClipToRect (BRect rect)
 Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of rect.
void ClipToInverseRect (BRect rect)
 Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of rect.
void ClipToShape (BShape *shape)
 Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels of shape.
void ClipToInverseShape (BShape *shape)
 Intersects the current clipping region of the view with the pixels outside of shape.
virtual void SetDrawingMode (drawing_mode mode)
 Sets the drawing mode of the view.
drawing_mode DrawingMode () const
 Return the current drawing_mode.
void SetBlendingMode (source_alpha srcAlpha, alpha_function alphaFunc)
 Set the blending mode which controls how transparency is used.
void GetBlendingMode (source_alpha *srcAlpha, alpha_function *alphaFunc) const
 Fill out srcAlpha and alphaFunc with the alpha mode and alpha function of the view.
virtual void SetPenSize (float size)
 Set the pen size to size.
float PenSize () const
 Return the current pen size.
bool HasDefaultColors () const
 Tests if the view has any colors set.
bool HasSystemColors () const
 Tests if the view is using system "panel" colors. B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for ViewUIColor() B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for LowUIColor() B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR for HighUIColor()
void AdoptParentColors ()
 Attempts to use the colors of any parent view. Will adopt view, low, and high colors. Should be called in AttachedToWindow() or AllAttached().
void AdoptSystemColors ()
 Instructs view to use standard system "panel" colors. B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for ViewUIColor() B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR for LowUIColor() B_PANEL_TEXT_COLOR for HighUIColor()
void AdoptViewColors (BView *view)
 Attempts to use the colors of a given view. Will adopt view, low, and high colors.
virtual void SetViewColor (rgb_color color)
 Set the view color of the view.
void SetViewColor (uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255)
 Set the view color of the view.
rgb_color ViewColor () const
 Return the current view color.
void SetViewUIColor (color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT)
 Set the view color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes.
color_which ViewUIColor (float *tint=NULL) const
 Return the current view color constant being used.
virtual void SetHighColor (rgb_color color)
 Set the high color of the view.
void SetHighColor (uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255)
 Set the high color of the view.
rgb_color HighColor () const
 Return the current high color.
void SetHighUIColor (color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT)
 Set the high color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes.
color_which HighUIColor (float *tint=NULL) const
 Return the current high color constant being used.
virtual void SetLowColor (rgb_color color)
 Set the low color of the view.
void SetLowColor (uchar red, uchar green, uchar blue, uchar alpha=255)
 Set the low color of the view.
rgb_color LowColor () const
 Return the current low color.
void SetLowUIColor (color_which which, float tint=B_NO_TINT)
 Set the low color of the view to a system constant. The color will update live with user changes.
color_which LowUIColor (float *tint=NULL) const
 Return the current low color constant being used.
void SetLineMode (cap_mode lineCap, join_mode lineJoin, float miterLimit=B_DEFAULT_MITER_LIMIT)
 Set line mode to use PostScript-style line cap and join modes.
join_mode LineJoinMode () const
 Returns the current line join mode.
cap_mode LineCapMode () const
 Returns the current line cap mode.
float LineMiterLimit () const
 Returns the miter limit used for B_MITER_JOIN join mode.
void SetFillRule (int32 rule)
 Sets the fill rule for the view.
int32 FillRule () const
 Return the current fill mode.
void SetOrigin (BPoint where)
 Sets the origin in the view's coordinate system.
void SetOrigin (float x, float y)
 Sets the origin in the view's coordinate system.
BPoint Origin () const
 Returns the origin point in the view's coordinate system.
void SetTransform (BAffineTransform transform)
 Sets a BAffineTransform to transform the coordinate system.
BAffineTransform Transform () const
 Returns the current BAffineTransform that is applied to the coordinate system.
void TranslateBy (double x, double y)
 Translate the current view by coordinates.
void ScaleBy (double x, double y)
 Scale the current view by factors x and y.
void RotateBy (double angleRadians)
 Rotate the current view by angleRadians.
BAffineTransform TransformTo (coordinate_space basis) const
 Return the BAffineTransform to convert from the current drawing space to basis.
void PushState ()
 Saves the drawing state to the stack.
void PopState ()
 Restores the drawing state from the stack.
void MovePenTo (BPoint pt)
 Move the pen to point in the view's coordinate system.
void MovePenTo (float x, float y)
 Move the pen to the point specified by x and y in the view's coordinate system.
void MovePenBy (float x, float y)
 Move the pen by x pixels horizontally and y pixels vertically.
BPoint PenLocation () const
 Return the current pen location as a BPoint object.
virtual void SetFont (const BFont *font, uint32 mask=B_FONT_ALL)
 Set the font of the view.
void GetFont (BFont *font) const
 Fill out font with the font set to the view.
void TruncateString (BString *in_out, uint32 mode, float width) const
 Truncate string with truncation mode mode so that it is no wider than width set in the view's font.
float StringWidth (const char *string) const
 Return the width of string set in the font of the view.
float StringWidth (const char *string, int32 length) const
 Return the width of string set in the font of the view up to length characters.
void GetStringWidths (char *stringArray[], int32 lengthArray[], int32 numStrings, float widthArray[]) const
 Fill out widths of the strings in stringArray set in the font of the view into widthArray.
void SetFontSize (float size)
 Set the size of the view's font to size.
void ForceFontAliasing (bool enable)
 Turn anti-aliasing on and off when printing.
void GetFontHeight (font_height *height) const
 Fill out the font_height struct with the view font.
void SetScale (float scale) const
 Sets the scale of the coordinate system the view uses for drawing.
float Scale () const
 Return the current drawing scale.
void SetViewBitmap (const BBitmap *bitmap, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=B_TILE_BITMAP)
 Sets the background bitmap of the view.
void SetViewBitmap (const BBitmap *bitmap, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=B_TILE_BITMAP)
 Sets the background bitmap of the view.
void ClearViewBitmap ()
 Clears the background bitmap of the view if it has one.
status_t SetViewOverlay (const BBitmap *overlay, BRect srcRect, BRect dstRect, rgb_color *colorKey, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=0)
 Sets the overlay bitmap of the view.
status_t SetViewOverlay (const BBitmap *overlay, rgb_color *colorKey, uint32 followFlags=B_FOLLOW_LEFT_TOP, uint32 options=0)
 Sets the overlay bitmap of the view.
void ClearViewOverlay ()
 Clears the overlay bitmap of the view if it has one.
void StrokeLine (BPoint toPoint, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke a line from the current pen location to the point toPoint.
void StrokeLine (BPoint start, BPoint end, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke a line from point start to point end.
void BeginLineArray (int32 count)
 Begin a line array of up to count lines.
void AddLine (BPoint start, BPoint end, rgb_color color)
 Add a line to the line array drawn from start to end.
void EndLineArray ()
 End the line array drawing the lines.
void StrokePolygon (const BPolygon *polygon, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke a polygon shape.
void StrokePolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray.
void StrokePolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, bool closed=true, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray inscribed by bounds.
void FillPolygon (const BPolygon *polygon, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill a polygon shape.
void FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray.
void FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray inscribed by bounds.
void FillPolygon (const BPolygon *polygon, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill a polygon shape with the specified gradient pattern.
void FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray with the specified gradient pattern.
void FillPolygon (const BPoint *pointArray, int32 numPoints, BRect bounds, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill a polygon shape made up of points specified by pointArray inscribed by bounds with the specified gradient pattern.
void StrokeTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 and enclosed by bounds.
void StrokeTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3.
void FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3.
void FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 and enclosed by bounds.
void FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 with the specified gradient pattern.
void FillTriangle (BPoint point1, BPoint point2, BPoint point3, BRect bounds, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill the triangle specified by points point1, point2, and point3 and enclosed by bounds with the specified gradient pattern.
void StrokeRect (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the rectangle specified by rect.
void FillRect (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill the rectangle specified by rect.
void FillRect (BRect rect, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill the rectangle specified by rect with the specified gradient pattern.
void FillRegion (BRegion *rectegion, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill region.
void FillRegion (BRegion *rectegion, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill region with the specified gradient pattern.
void InvertRect (BRect rect)
 Inverts the colors within rect.
void StrokeRoundRect (BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius xRadius and vertical radius yRadius.
void FillRoundRect (BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius xRadius and vertical radius yRadius.
void FillRoundRect (BRect rect, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill the rounded rectangle with horizontal radius xRadius and vertical radius yRadius with the specified gradient pattern.
void StrokeEllipse (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the outline of an ellipse starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius.
void StrokeEllipse (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the outline of an ellipse inscribed within rect.
void FillEllipse (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill an ellipse starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius.
void FillEllipse (BRect rect, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill an ellipse inscribed within rect.
void FillEllipse (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill an ellipse with the specified gradient pattern starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius.
void FillEllipse (BRect rect, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill an ellipse with the specified gradient pattern inscribed within rect.
void StrokeArc (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the outline of an arc starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void StrokeArc (BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke the outline of an arc inscribed within rect starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void FillArc (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill an arc starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void FillArc (BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill an arc inscribed within rect starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void FillArc (BPoint center, float xRadius, float yRadius, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill an arc with the specified gradient pattern starting at center with a horizontal radius of xRadius and a vertical radius of yRadius starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void FillArc (BRect rect, float startAngle, float arcAngle, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill an arc with the specified gradient pattern inscribed within rect starting at startAngle and drawing arcAngle degrees.
void StrokeBezier (BPoint *controlPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke a bezier curve.
void FillBezier (BPoint *controlPoints, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill a bezier curve.
void FillBezier (BPoint *controlPoints, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill a bezier curve.
void StrokeShape (BShape *shape, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Stroke shape.
void FillShape (BShape *shape, ::pattern pattern=B_SOLID_HIGH)
 Fill shape.
void FillShape (BShape *shape, const BGradient &gradient)
 Fill shape with the specified gradient pattern.
void CopyBits (BRect src, BRect dst)
 Copy the bits from the src rectangle to the dst rectangle in the view's coordinate system.
void DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. bitmap is scaled to fit viewRect.
void DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BPoint where)
 Draws bitmap on the view offset by where asynchronously.
void DrawBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap)
 Draws bitmap on the view asynchronously.
void DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect, uint32 options)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect bitmapRect, BRect viewRect)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. bitmap portion is scaled to fit viewRect.
void DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. bitmap is scaled to fit viewRect.
void DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BPoint where)
 Draws bitmap on the view offset by where.
void DrawBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap)
 Draws bitmap on the view.
void DrawTiledBitmapAsync (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase=B_ORIGIN)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect asynchronously. If bitmap is smaller, it is cloned to fill remaining space in viewRect.
void DrawTiledBitmap (const BBitmap *aBitmap, BRect viewRect, BPoint phase=B_ORIGIN)
 Draws bitmap on the view within viewRect. If bitmap is smaller, it is cloned to fill remaining space in viewRect.
void DrawChar (char aChar)
 Draws character c onto to the view at the current pen position.
void DrawChar (char aChar, BPoint location)
 Draws character c at the specified location in the view.
void DrawString (const char *string, escapement_delta *delta=NULL)
 Draw string onto the view at the current pen position.
void DrawString (const char *string, BPoint location, escapement_delta *delta=NULL)
 Draw string onto the view at the specified location in the view.
void DrawString (const char *string, int32 length, escapement_delta *delta=NULL)
 Draw string up to length characters onto the view at the current pen position.
void DrawString (const char *string, int32 length, BPoint location, escapement_delta *delta=0L)
 Draw string up to length characters onto the view at the specified location in the view.
void DrawString (const char *string, const BPoint *locations, int32 locationCount)
 Draw string locationCount times at the specified locations.
void DrawString (const char *string, int32 length, const BPoint *locations, int32 locationCount)
 Draw string up to length characters locationCount times at the specified locations.
void Invalidate (BRect invalRect)
 Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by invalRect.
void Invalidate (const BRegion *invalRegion)
 Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by region.
void Invalidate ()
 Sends a message to App Server to redraw the view.
void DelayedInvalidate (bigtime_t delay)
 Sends a message to App Server to redraw the entire view after a certain, minimum, delay. Repeated calls to this method may be merged, but the view is guaranteed to be redrawn after the delay given in the first call of this method.
void DelayedInvalidate (bigtime_t delay, BRect invalRect)
 Sends a message to App Server to redraw the portion of the view specified by invalRect after a certain, minimum, delay. Repeated calls to this method may be merged, but the invalidated rect is guaranteed to be redrawn after the minimum delay given by the first call of this method.
void SetDiskMode (char *filename, long offset)
void BeginPicture (BPicture *a_picture)
 Begins sending drawing instructions to picture.
void AppendToPicture (BPicture *a_picture)
 Appends drawing instructions to picture without clearing it first.
BPictureEndPicture ()
 Ends the drawing instruction recording session and returns the BPicture object passed to BeginPicture() or AppendToPicture().
void DrawPicture (const BPicture *a_picture)
 Draws the picture at the view's current pen position.
void DrawPicture (const BPicture *a_picture, BPoint where)
 Draws the picture at the location in the view specified by where.
void DrawPicture (const char *filename, long offset, BPoint where)
 Draws the picture from the file specified by filename offset by offset bytes at the location in the view specified by where.
void DrawPictureAsync (const BPicture *a_picture)
 Draws the picture at the view's current pen position.
void DrawPictureAsync (const BPicture *a_picture, BPoint where)
 Draws the picture at the location in the view specified by where.
void DrawPictureAsync (const char *filename, long offset, BPoint where)
 Draws the picture from the file specified by filename offset by offset bytes at the location in the view specified by where.
void BeginLayer (uint8 opacity)
 Begins a drawing layer.
void EndLayer ()
 Finish a layer and blend it in with the view.
void MoveBy (float dh, float dv)
 Moves the view deltaX pixels horizontally and deltaY pixels vertically in the parent view's coordinate system.
void MoveTo (BPoint where)
 Move the view to the location specified by where in the parent view's coordinate system.
void MoveTo (float x, float y)
 Move the view to the coordinates specified by x in the horizontal dimension and y in the vertical dimension in the parent view's coordinate system.
void ResizeBy (float dh, float dv)
 Resize the view by deltaWidth horizontally and deltaHeight vertically without moving the top left corner of the view.
void ResizeTo (float width, float height)
 Resize the view to the specified width and height.
void ResizeTo (BSize size)
 Resize the view to the dimension specified by size.
virtual status_t AllUnarchived (const BMessage *archive)
 Hook method called when all views have been unarchived.
virtual status_t AllArchived (BMessage *archive) const
 Hook method called when all views have been archived.
virtual void MouseMoved (BPoint where, uint32 code, const BMessage *dragMessage)
 Hook method called when the mouse is moved.
virtual void KeyUp (const char *bytes, int32 numBytes)
 Hook method called when a keyboard key is released.
virtual void Pulse ()
 Hook method called when the view receives a B_PULSE message.
virtual void TargetedByScrollView (BScrollView *scrollView)
 Hook method called when the view becomes the target of scrollView.
virtual void DrawAfterChildren (BRect updateRect)
 Perform any drawing that needs to be done after child view have already been drawn.
void BeginRectTracking (BRect startRect, uint32 style=B_TRACK_WHOLE_RECT)
 Displays an outline rectangle on the view and initiates tracking.
void EndRectTracking ()
 Ends tracking removing the outline rectangle from the view.
void GetMouse (BPoint *location, uint32 *buttons, bool checkMessageQueue=true)
 Fills out the cursor location and the current state of the mouse buttons.
void DragMessage (BMessage *message, BRect dragRect, BHandler *replyTo=NULL)
 Initiates a drag-and-drop session.
void DragMessage (BMessage *message, BBitmap *bitmap, BPoint offset, BHandler *replyTo=NULL)
 Initiates a drag-and-drop session of an image.
void DragMessage (BMessage *message, BBitmap *bitmap, drawing_mode dragMode, BPoint offset, BHandler *replyTo=NULL)
 Initiates a drag-and-drop session of an image with drawing_mode set by dragMode.
status_t SetEventMask (uint32 mask, uint32 options=0)
 Sets whether or not the view can accept mouse and keyboard events when not in focus.
uint32 EventMask ()
 Returns the current event mask.
status_t SetMouseEventMask (uint32 mask, uint32 options=0)
 Sets whether or not the view can accept mouse and keyboard events when not in focus from within MouseDown() until the following MouseUp() event.
void ScrollBy (float dh, float dv)
 Scroll the view by deltaX horizontally and deltaY vertically.
void ScrollTo (float x, float y)
 Scroll the view to the point specified by coordinates.
virtual void ScrollTo (BPoint where)
 Scroll the view to the point specified by where.
BScrollBarScrollBar (orientation direction) const
 Returns the BScrollBar object that has the BView set as its target.
virtual BAlignment LayoutAlignment ()
 Return the current BAlignemnt of the view.
void SetExplicitMinSize (BSize size)
 Set this view's min size, to be used by MinSize().
void SetExplicitMaxSize (BSize size)
 Set this view's max size, to be used by MaxSize().
void SetExplicitPreferredSize (BSize size)
 Set this view's preferred size, to be used by PreferredSize().
void SetExplicitSize (BSize size)
 Set this view's size.
void SetExplicitAlignment (BAlignment alignment)
 Set this view's alignment, to be used by Alignment().
BSize ExplicitMinSize () const
 Returns the explicit minimum size.
BSize ExplicitMaxSize () const
 Returns the explicit maximum size.
BSize ExplicitPreferredSize () const
 Returns the explicit preferred size.
BAlignment ExplicitAlignment () const
 Returns the explicit alignment size.
virtual bool HasHeightForWidth ()
 Returns whether the layout of the view can calculate a height for a given width.
virtual void GetHeightForWidth (float width, float *min, float *max, float *preferred)
 Returns the min, max and preferred height for a given width.
void InvalidateLayout (bool descendants=false)
 Invalidate layout.
virtual void SetLayout (BLayout *layout)
 Sets the layout of the view.
BLayoutGetLayout () const
 Get the layout of the view.
void EnableLayoutInvalidation ()
 Enable layout invalidation.
void DisableLayoutInvalidation ()
 Disable layout invalidation.
bool IsLayoutInvalidationDisabled ()
 Returns whether or not layout invalidation is disabled.
bool IsLayoutValid () const
 Returns whether or not the layout is valid.
void ResetLayoutInvalidation ()
 Service call for BView derived classes re-enabling InvalidateLayout() notifications.
BLayoutContext * LayoutContext () const
 Returns the BLayoutContext for this View.
void Layout (bool force)
 Layout the view.
void Relayout ()
 Relayout the view.
void SetToolTip (const char *text)
 Set the tool tip of the view to text.
void SetToolTip (BToolTip *tip)
 Set the tool tip of the view to the tip object.
BToolTip * ToolTip () const
 Return the tool tip set to the view or NULL if not set.
void ShowToolTip (BToolTip *tip=NULL)
 Show the tool tip at the current mouse position.
void HideToolTip ()
 Hide the view's tool tip.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BHandler
 BHandler (const char *name=NULL)
 Construct a new handler with a name.
virtual ~BHandler ()
 Free the filters of this handler, as well as the list of observers.
virtual status_t Perform (perform_code d, void *arg)
 Perform some action (Internal method defined for binary compatibility purposes).
 BHandler (BMessage *data)
 Construct a handler from an archived message.
BLooperLooper () const
 Return a pointer to the looper that this handler is associated with.
void SetName (const char *name)
 Set or change the name of this handler.
const char * Name () const
 Return the name of this handler.
virtual void SetNextHandler (BHandler *handler)
 Set the next handler in the chain that the message is passed on to if this handler cannot process it.
BHandlerNextHandler () const
 Return the next hander in the chain to which the message is passed on.
virtual void AddFilter (BMessageFilter *filter)
 Add filter as a prerequisite to this handler.
virtual bool RemoveFilter (BMessageFilter *filter)
 Remove filter from the filter list.
virtual void SetFilterList (BList *filters)
 Set the internal list of filters to filters.
BListFilterList ()
 Return a pointer to the list of filters.
bool LockLooper ()
 Lock the looper associated with this handler.
status_t LockLooperWithTimeout (bigtime_t timeout)
 Lock the looper associated with this handler, with a time out value.
void UnlockLooper ()
 Unlock the looper.
status_t StartWatching (BMessenger target, uint32 what)
 Subscribe this handler to watch a specific state change of a target.
status_t StartWatchingAll (BMessenger target)
 Subscribe this handler to watch a target for all events.
status_t StopWatching (BMessenger target, uint32 what)
 Unsubscribe this handler from watching a specific state.
status_t StopWatchingAll (BMessenger target)
 Unsubscribe this handler from watching all states.
status_t StartWatching (BHandler *observer, uint32 what)
 Subscribe an observer for a specific state change of this handler.
status_t StartWatchingAll (BHandler *observer)
 Subscribe an observer for a all state changes.
status_t StopWatching (BHandler *observer, uint32 what)
 Unsubscribe an observer from watching a specific state.
status_t StopWatchingAll (BHandler *observer)
 Unsubscribe an observer from watching all states.
virtual void SendNotices (uint32 what, const BMessage *notice=NULL)
 Emit a state change to the observers.
bool IsWatched () const
 Check if there are any observers watching this handler.
- Public Member Functions inherited from BArchivable
 BArchivable ()
 Constructor. Does nothing.
 BArchivable (BMessage *from)
 Constructor. Does important behind-the-scenes work in the unarchiving process.
virtual ~BArchivable ()
 Destructor. Does nothing.
virtual status_t AllArchived (BMessage *archive) const
 Method relating to the use of BArchiver.
virtual status_t AllUnarchived (const BMessage *archive)
 Method relating to the use of BUnarchiver.
virtual status_t Archive (BMessage *into, bool deep=true) const
 Archive the object into a BMessage.
virtual status_t Perform (perform_code d, void *arg)
 Perform some action (Internal method defined for binary compatibility purposes).


virtual status_t Archive (BMessage *archive, bool deep=true) const
 Archives the the BMenuBar object into the data message.
static BArchivableInstantiate (BMessage *archive)
 Creates a new BMenuBar object from an archive message.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BMenu
static BArchivableInstantiate (BMessage *archive)
 Creates a new BMenu object from an archive message.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BView
static BArchivableInstantiate (BMessage *archive)
 Creates a new BView object from the data message.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BHandler
static BArchivableInstantiate (BMessage *data)
 Static method to instantiate a handler from an archived message.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from BArchivable
static BArchivableInstantiate (BMessage *archive)
 Static member to restore objects from messages.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BMenu
 BMenu (BRect frame, const char *name, uint32 resizeMask, uint32 flags, menu_layout layout, bool resizeToFit)
 Implemented by derived classes to create a new menu object.
void GetItemMargins (float *_left, float *_top, float *_right, float *_bottom) const
 Fill out the margins into the passed in float pointers.
void Hide ()
 Hides the view without removing it from the view hierarchy.
menu_layout Layout () const
 Returns the current menu_layout constant.
virtual void LayoutInvalidated (bool descendants)
 Hook method called when the layout is invalidated.
void SetItemMargins (float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
 Set the menu item margins.
virtual void Show ()
 Shows the view making it visible.
BMenuItemTrack (bool startOpened=false, BRect *specialRect=NULL)
 Initiates tracking the cursor within the menu.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from BView
virtual void LayoutChanged ()
 Hook function that is called when the layout if this view, or one of its children, has changed.
status_t ScrollWithMouseWheelDelta (BScrollBar *, float)
 Handle the scroll wheel changing over scrollbars.
virtual bool GetToolTipAt (BPoint point, BToolTip **_tip)
 Point _tip with the view's tool tip.

Detailed Description

A window's root menu.

A menu bar, if a window has one, is typically drawn across the top of the window just below the tab and a window typically has just a single menu bar, although this is up to you.

One menu bar attached to a window is considered to be the "key" menu bar that can be navigated by the user using the keyboard. The last menu bar attached to a window is automatically set as the key menu bar for the window. To override this behavior and set a different key menu bar use the BWindow::SetKeyMenuBar() method.

When either the Menu key or Command+Esc keys are pressed the key menu bar opens and focuses its first menu item, typically a BMenu. Once the menu bar is open the user can navigate around the attached menus and menu items using the arrow keys.

Like a BMenu, a BMenuBar object starts without any items attached to it, you'll need to call AddItem() or AddList() to add some. The top-level items in a menu bar are typically menus which have menu items and menus added to them in turn.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BMenuBar() [1/3]

BMenuBar::BMenuBar ( BRect  frame,
const char *  name,
uint32  resizingMode = B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP,
menu_layout  layout = B_ITEMS_IN_ROW,
bool  resizeToFit = true 

Create a new BMenuBar object.

The default resizing mode, B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT | B_FOLLOW_TOP is meant to be used by a typical menu bar that is positioned along the top edge of a window. This resizing mode allows the menu bar to resize itself based on changes to the window's width while keeping it attached to the top of the window frame.

For menu bars in B_ITEMS_IN_ROW layout the height is automatically set to be the height of a single item, while menus bars in B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN layout the width is automatically set to be the width of the widest item.

The width of a menu bar is set equal to the width of its parent for menu bars in B_ITEMS_IN_ROW layout and a resizingMode mask that includes B_FOLLOW_LEFT_RIGHT so that the menu bar will always be as wide as its attached window.

Likewise, the height of a menu bar is set equal to the height of its parent for menu bars in B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN layout and a resizingMode mask that includes B_FOLLOW_TOP_BOTTOM so that the menu bar will always be as high as its attached window.

When resizeToFit is set to true, as is the default, the frame rectangle determines only where the menu bar is located, not its size. If the layout is set to B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX the resizeToFit flag should be set to false.

frameThe frame rectangle to create the menu bar in.
nameThe name of the menu bar, used internally only.
resizingModeThe resizing mode flags, see BView for more details.
layoutThe menu layout, possibilities include:
  • B_ITEMS_IN_ROW items are displayed in a single row,
  • B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN items are displayed in a single column,
  • B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX items are displayed in a custom matrix.
resizeToFitWhether or not the menu bar should automatically resize itself to fit its contents, this will not work in B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX layout.

◆ BMenuBar() [2/3]

BMenuBar::BMenuBar ( const char *  name,
menu_layout  layout = B_ITEMS_IN_ROW,
uint32  flags = B_WILL_DRAW | B_FRAME_EVENTS 

Create a new BMenuBar object suitable to use with the layout APIs.

nameThe name of the menu bar, used internally only.
flagsThe view flags, see BView for more details.
layoutThe menu layout, possibilities include:
  • B_ITEMS_IN_ROW items are displayed in a single row,
  • B_ITEMS_IN_COLUMN items are displayed in a single column,
  • B_ITEMS_IN_MATRIX items are displayed in a custom matrix.
Haiku R1

◆ BMenuBar() [3/3]

BMenuBar::BMenuBar ( BMessage archive)

Archive constructor.

archiveThe message data to construct the menu from.

◆ ~BMenuBar()

BMenuBar::~BMenuBar ( )


Also frees the memory used by any attached menus and menu items.


Member Function Documentation

◆ AllAttached()

virtual void BMenuBar::AllAttached ( )

Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been attached to a window.


Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ AllDetached()

virtual void BMenuBar::AllDetached ( )

Similar to AttachedToWindow() but this method is triggered after all child views have already been detached from a window.


Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ Archive()

status_t BMenuBar::Archive ( BMessage data,
bool  deep = true 
) const

Archives the the BMenuBar object into the data message.

dataA pointer to the BMessage to archive the object into.
deepWhether or not to archive attached menu items as well.
A status code, B_OK if everything went well or an error code otherwise.
Return values
B_OKThe object was archived successfully.
B_NO_MEMORYRan out of memory while archiving the object.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ AttachedToWindow()

void BMenuBar::AttachedToWindow ( )

Sets this as the key menubar for the window, lays out the menu items and resizes the menu to fit.

See also

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ Border()

menu_bar_border BMenuBar::Border ( ) const

Returns the currently set border style.

See also
BMenuBar::SetBorder() for details.

◆ DetachedFromWindow()

virtual void BMenuBar::DetachedFromWindow ( )

Hook method called when the object is detached from a window.


Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ Draw()

void BMenuBar::Draw ( BRect  updateRect)

Draws the menu bar.

updateRectThe area to draw in.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ FrameMoved()

virtual void BMenuBar::FrameMoved ( BPoint  newPosition)

Hook method called when the view is moved.

newPositionThe point of the top left corner of the frame that the view has been moved to.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ FrameResized()

void BMenuBar::FrameResized ( float  newWidth,
float  newHeight 

Hook method that gets called when the menu bar is resized.

Redraws the affected borders.

newWidthThe new width of the view.
newHeightThe new height of the view.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ GetPreferredSize()

virtual void BMenuBar::GetPreferredSize ( float *  _width,
float *  _height 

Fill out the preferred width and height of the view into the _width and _height parameters.

Derived classes should override this method to set the preferred size of object.

Either the _width or _height parameter may be set to NULL if you only want to get the other one.
[out]_widthPointer to a float to store the width of the view.
[out]_heightPointer to a float to store the height of the view.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ GetSupportedSuites()

virtual status_t BMenuBar::GetSupportedSuites ( BMessage data)

Reports the suites of messages and specifiers that derived classes understand.


Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ Hide()

virtual void BMenuBar::Hide ( )

Hides the view without removing it from the view hierarchy.

Calls to Hide() and Show() are cumulative. A visible view becomes hidden once the number of Hide() calls exceeds the number of Show() calls.

See also

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ Instantiate()

BArchivable * BMenuBar::Instantiate ( BMessage data)

Creates a new BMenuBar object from an archive message.

A newly created BMenuBar object or NULL if the message doesn't contain an archived BMenuBar.

◆ MakeFocus()

virtual void BMenuBar::MakeFocus ( bool  focus = true)

Makes the view the current focus view of the window or gives up being the window's focus view.

The focus view handles selections and KeyDown events when the the attached window is active. There can be only one focus view at a time per window.

When called with focus set to true this method first calls MakeFocus() on the previously focused view with focus set to false.

The focus doesn't automatically change when MouseDown() is called so calling MakeFocus() is the only way to make a view the focus view of a window. Classes derived from BView that can display the current selection, or that can accept pasted data should call MakeFocus() in their MouseDown() method to update the focus view of the window on click.

If the view isn't attached to a window this method has no effect.

focustrue to set focus, false to remove it.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ MaxSize()

virtual BSize BMenuBar::MaxSize ( )

Return the maximum size of the view.

This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout.
The maximum size of the view as a BSize.
See also
Haiku R1

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ MessageReceived()

virtual void BMenuBar::MessageReceived ( BMessage message)

Handles a message received by the associated looper.

Responds to mouse wheel events scrolling the menu if it is too long to fit in the window. Hold B_SHIFT_KEY to cause the menu to scroll faster.

messageThe message received by the associated looper.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ MinSize()

virtual BSize BMenuBar::MinSize ( )

Return the minimum size of the view.

This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout.
The minimum size of the view as a BSize.
See also
Haiku R1

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ MouseDown()

void BMenuBar::MouseDown ( BPoint  where)

Hook method that is called when a mouse button is pressed.

Right clicking on a menu bar sends the window to back or brings it to front.

whereThe point on the screen where the mouse pointer is when the mouse button is pressed.

Reimplemented from BView.

◆ MouseUp()

virtual void BMenuBar::MouseUp ( BPoint  where)

Hook method called when a mouse button is released.

whereThe point on the screen where the mouse pointer is when the mouse button is released.
Calling GetMouse() in MouseUp() will return the new state of the mouse buttons (after the mouse button was released). If you want to know which button was released, you have to compare that with the previous state of the buttons, that you can memorize for example by calling GetMouse() in MouseDown().

Reimplemented from BView.

◆ Perform()

virtual status_t BMenuBar::Perform ( perform_code  code,
void *  _data 

Perform some action. (Internal Method)

This method is available to allow classes to be extended while maintaining binary compatibility.

The following perform codes are recognized:

codeThe perform code.
_dataA pointer to store some data.
A status code.
Haiku R1

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ PreferredSize()

virtual BSize BMenuBar::PreferredSize ( )

Return the preferred size of the view.

This is only meaningful if the view is part of a BLayout.
The preferred size of the view as a BSize.
See also
Haiku R1

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ ResizeToPreferred()

virtual void BMenuBar::ResizeToPreferred ( )

Resizes the view to its preferred size keeping the position of the left top corner constant.

It is not recommended to use this method for views that are part of a BLayout.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ ResolveSpecifier()

virtual BHandler * BMenuBar::ResolveSpecifier ( BMessage message,
int32  index,
BMessage specifier,
int32  what,
const char *  property 

Determine the proper handler for a scripting message.

messageThe scripting message to determine the handler.
indexThe index of the specifier.
specifierThe message which contains the specifier.
whatThe 'what' field of the specifier message.
propertyThe name of the target property.
A pointer to the proper BHandler for the given scripting message.

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ SetBorder()

void BMenuBar::SetBorder ( menu_bar_border  border)

Specifies how the menu bar border is drawn.

The default is B_BORDER_FRAME.

borderOptions include:
  • B_BORDER_FRAME The border is drawn around the entire menu bar.
  • B_BORDER_CONTENTS The border is drawn around the list of items.
  • B_BORDER_EACH_ITEM The border is drawn around each individual item.

◆ Show()

virtual void BMenuBar::Show ( )

Shows the view making it visible.

Calls to Hide() and Show() are cumulative. A hidden view becomes visible again once the number of Show() calls matches the number of Hide() calls.

See also

Reimplemented from BMenu.

◆ WindowActivated()

virtual void BMenuBar::WindowActivated ( bool  active)

Hook method called when the attached window is activated or deactivated.

activetrue when the window becomes activated, false when the window becomes deactivated.

Reimplemented from BView.